Self-care for professional therapists
Mar 10, 2023Dear colleague
Thank you again for subscribing and becoming a part of Nataliya Robinson's small community. What is common in all of us is that we share the same passion - health and wellness, together with a desire to share our energy and knowledge with other people by providing holistic, beauty wellness treatments. We are in the industry where we try to help others look and feel better.
But have you noticed that we often neglect ourselves, compromise our health, and don't make time for ourselves? As a result, we end up with minor or sometimes more serious injuries. These ailments such as a tight neck, and aching muscles can stop us from enjoying our work and can have a negative impact on our health and then business.
Personally, I have experienced a number of minor injuries so far, I suffered from tennis elbow, a tight neck, shoulder discomfort, hip pain and upper back tension. These all stem from a lack of attention to myself. I became a regular client at a physiotherapy clinic and every time my body gets better I always promise myself to look after myself in future.
So how should we look after ourselves better in our profession? We must stretch our working muscles, focus on making our upper body stronger and more flexible. Stretching those tight muscles between appointments is a great way to achieve this.
I would like to share with you a few videos with instructions on how to do these exercises with the help of Stelios, he is very skilled kinesiologist and therapist himself who is familiar with these types of tightness and aches.
About Stelios:
He is an alternative and Holistic Therapist and also a Movement Therapy Specialist. Stelios has worked as a kinesiotherapist in Injury Recovery as part of the primer league basketball, volleyball and football teams in Greece, Also he worked in various hospitals and in the private sector in UAE, Greece and the UK, helping patients with back & neck pain, sports injuries and general MSK problems.
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